Saturday, September 22, 2012

Greek Goddess

Welcome to Dream Catcher Makeup,

   Now, let me start off by saying i love reading about greek Methology, i think the stories are awesome. So on that note, i decided to create a look inspired by my favorite greek goddess, Athena.
Athena is the Goddess of, Wisdom, Victory, Crafts, such as armory. I was inspired by these terms and wanted too create a deep, yet powering look. I thought i did a good job besides the fact that on the lower lashe line one side is farther down then the other. We all make mistakes right, so i didnt scratch this photo after i took it. The best way i can explain this too trace out a wave like form on the crease of your eye, and drag it out where its lined with the end of your brow, then drag it down to your lower lashe line and fill it in with a deep dark brown. For the inner tear duct, was the hardest part for me. Its pretty much like your extending your tear duct downward. I then applied gold eyeshadow in the center of the lid because well, every greek goddess needs some gold right? (: Then i applied some black eyeliner to lower waterline and applied mascara and also a nude lip because we want to make the eyes the center point. I hope i explained this as best as possible. Any questions please leave comments below.

                                                                                                  Have a magical Day. (:

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