Monday, September 24, 2012

Skincare, something we can't avoid


Today, we are talking about something we all cant seem too ignore ever, our skin. My skin is a combination of dry to oil skin, an also my skin is sensitive. I barely have acne anymore now using this skincare routine but remember its what works for ME so it might not work for you, use at your own risk. These are the products i use all year around during the changes of the season. In summer i use nutrogena Oil free Acne Stress control, because my skin gets so dry this keep my skin moist. Even though it says OIL FREE at the top. If you have oily skin all the time, this product is not for you. When in colder seasons i use my olay foaming face wash for sensitive skin because thats when my skin is the worse. I also use this dove energy glow night cream which acts as a moisterizer for me. Its not really a moisterizer, its actually something to give your skin that "glowy" look. All the time though i use my clean and clear morning burst face wash. But recently Ive started too use St. Ives Apricot scrub. Product seen down below.
This product is suppose too get rid of dead skin cells on the face and smoothes the skin. When i frist tried it i was alittle sckeptic about using it because my cousin told me the little, well not little, crystals could cut the skin. But after trying it I could'nt stop using it. I love the way it makes my face feel. So smooth and looks as if you have the clearest skin, though you dont. The other reason why i was skeptic of this product is that its Dermatologist TESTED not approved. I love buying products that dermatologist approve because that means there arent harsh chemicals that would ruin your skin. But honestly, tested is better then nothing at all. So after trying this product out a few times i think i might but this product full size and possibly some other St. Ives products. I've only ever tried this product by them and its no so bad. I would recommand this product, but remember what works for me might not work for you. I hope this helps, im sure I've bored you all off this page but skincare is just something we cant avoid so might as well put a post up now and get it out of the way. Thanks for reading! Come back Tuesday for my next post!   Have a magical day (:


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